Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Renewed Spirit

Oh my look how long it's been since I last posted!! As I predicted the fall semester took over my life. My family did without a wife and mother for nearly 6 months as the classes were pretty much all-consuming. However, that was my last hard semester and this spring is my last semester altogether. A health crisis has put an end to my schooling. I am treating it herbally and it is doing so much better!! BUT the amount of stress I was under also played a part and I was told I had to put an end to that stress. For the moment that is easy - come the near future this will not be easy at all and I will have added stresses on me that may be just as bad as school stress. Prayers for guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Let's add some news!!! We're gonna be grandparents any day now!!! The little mister is due any day now :) We simply cannot wait to meet this little mister and have a baby in the family again!!! So as you can imagine, I've been doing all I can to get ready for a new grandbaby - a baby shower, sewing up a storm, helping Bean1 and FianceBean1 any way we can, etc :D

Sadly, we are also not expecting my father-in-law to last much longer. We've already had what we consider an extra four years with him, when they told us that he wouldn't last another month. We were sort of expecting that same thing but it's different. They finally told my mother-in-law that there is absolutely nothing left for them to do for him. Prayers for his physical comfort these last days, his spiritual health, and my mother-in-law's ability to deal with all of this would be even more greatly appreciated than the ones I mentioned above.

So anyway, let me get posting about a few of the things that have happened in this past almost year...
1) Two trips to Washington, D.C. - Molly Marine Monument Dedication in Quantico and Bean4 donating Bone Marrow at George Washington University
2) Church Camp
3) A hike at Tallulah Gorge, Georgia plus a few other hikes that day in the same area
4) Caving trip to Raccoon Mountain, Tennessee
5) Homecoming
6) Bean3 coming home for a visit / tailgating at UGA
7) Bean6, Bean7, and Bean8 Birthday Parties
8) Gingerbread Nativity Scenes
9) Beach Trip for a Baby Shower / Engagement
10) New Year's Eve
11) MrBean's Birthday
12) Baby Shower
13) A few church school projects
14) A few church school snacks
15) Snow at the homestead
16) Baby Gifts
17) Lenten Projects
18) St. Patrick's Day goodies
19) Once a Month Lenten Cooking with a friend

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