Friday, February 17, 2017

Mending the Coop

This is what I'm greeted with everyday when I walk around the building to the coop... All my girls & guys waiting on me to throw fermented grains to them!

Today, I have a small job to accomplish ... I must mend the nesting boxes. Somehow, the bottom is coming loose, so eggs are winding up in the straw below. Thankfully there *is* straw there to cushion their fall!

 Here is one angle. You can see the far right wooden box is leaning.

And here you see where the eggs are slipping out when the girls climb in and out. If you are saying to yourself, 'it looks like the girls are roosting in here'... you'd be right. :-/ So, I have a solution for that, too. Technically, MrBeans has a solution for that! ;-)

Scraping out as much poo was first at hand. Not as bad as it seems considering it's all practically dirt. There were only a few older clumps that were definitively poo. We had a piece of 2x4 that was almost the perfect length for the two projects. 

First, the 2x4 fit perfectly between the nesting boxes and one of the roosts. So, we fit it under there and sawed it to size.

The rest of it was used to put across the nesting boxes. This will surely help them from scratching out all of the shavings as well as discourage them from nesting. We shall see tomorrow!

Here's the finished product! What do you think?

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