Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Feast of Saint Valentine

So we don't really celebrate Valentine's. We generally focus on the grandkids. Okay, that's when I started acknowledging Valentine's in the lovey way. MrBeans got the children something every year. The sap ;-)

As you may or may not know, grandchildren change everything <3
I started making crafts for the wee buggers for each holiday. We're going to have quite the collection in a few years.

This year I decorated the hearth with all the Valentine items. I think I like this arrangement the best so far.

The Valentine's Day after we found out GrandBean1 was on the way, I made this...

It was in a different frame originally, with a wine-colored, felt photo matte surrounding it. Now, it's a bit simpler.

For the babies' 1st Valentine's we take "Kisses from Mimi" pictures & make a footprint flower for "Mimi's & Papa's Garden."

The top one is GrandBean1 and GrandBean2 is on the bottom. Next year I'll need a different frame since I have at least 3 more babies to be adding to the collection!

GrandBean1 in the very back; GrandBean2 to the left; GrandBean4 to the right; GrandBean3 in the front.

Still debating on whether to get GrandBean5's footprints & pictures since he was born a mere 2 days before Valentine's. Lots of factors to consider. I'm completely okay with waiting!

For the babies' 2nd Valentine's we do art!  I fold a piece of pink cardstock in half and let the wee ones scribble away. After a few snips, colors, prints, and tapes these are the results...

GrandBean1's art is the dark pink with GrandBean2's art is on the lighter pink.

The babies' 3rd Valentine's finds them making this LOVE canvas.
This is obviously GrandBean1's artwork ;-)

There's no telling how I'll arrange it next year considering there will be so much to add!

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