Monday, November 5, 2012


Friday I began to feel something going on in my chest and I had an asthma attack (something I don't do unless I have an upper respiratory infection).  By that evening during Bean6's birthday party I realized I had bronchitis.  I haven't had that in a long time and it is usually pretty nasty when it hits me.  So I went straight inside and started drinking some Nettle Leaf and Licorice Root tea.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take some garlic before bed.

Saturday, the gunk in my chest was already starting to break up and I was coughing pretty bad.  I had three asthma attacks throughout the day.  Luckily they weren't bad and I was able to control them with slow, easy breathing and loosening my clothing.  During one I inhaled Sweet Orange Essential Oil and Melaluca Essential Oil (otherwise known as Tea Tree), then I followed that with a warm bath with Lavender Essential Oil when I realized I couldn't find the Peppermint Essential Oil (which should be the first essential oil used).  I also continued to drink Nettle Leaf and Licorice Root Tea but then changed to Marshmallow Root and Licorice Root Tea that night and all day Sunday.

I also made sure to take chopped garlic in local, unpasteurized honey all day Saturday.  It probably would have done me good to take it Sunday as well but I was a bit nauseous from the gunk and I get more nauseous when I take garlic on a nauseated stomach.  So instead I mixed cinnamon and honey together and ate that while canning apple butter.  Unfortunately, I had to miss church Sunday which was a bummer :(  Thankfully, someone was able to take over the class I was teaching for me so it turned out alright.

Here it is Monday and the bronchitis is almost completely gone!  There's still a bit of a small cough here and there but not the constant hacking that has been my friend for two days and I've had no more asthma attacks since Saturday night - oops, no, one small one Sunday afternoon.  I'll continue to drink Marshmallow Root and Licorice Root Tea for a full day after there is no more coughing.  Then I'll know I'm all better :-D

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