Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Typical Class Day...

or not.

I was so tired today so I've hardly gotten anything done.  Thankfully, only one child, Bean5, has something today besides school.
I did *not* do my morning routine other than to awaken the children, say morning prayers with them, and get myself ready for school.

After I finished with classes, I was a *little* more awake and managed to eek out a little bit of usefulness today.  I'm keeping my expectations low for tonight!

I made it outside finally after figuring I was so cold inside the house that it couldn't be too much worse outside.  I love the view from my back deck!  If you know what you're looking at, you can see three of the garden plots in this photo, the coops, the new fire pit, and the deer target.  The pond is in the middle of all that brush and trees :)

 So I finally got to the coops to feed and water the chickens and doves and let the chickens out to the grass pen to chow down a little bit on a smorgasborg of different bugs.  Here are a few of the girls.

I gathered eggs and managed to drop one :-/  only 5 made it to the fridge ....
Then I harvested some stevia seeds ....
I still need to "de-fluff" them and let the seeds dry (or vise versa) before storing them in a small mason jar with a paper lid versus a metal lid (for breathability).  I personally have to store them this way in our second refridgerator otherwise, my darling family somehow finds a way to lose or spill the paper packets *sigh*

So now, I need to post this so I can get on supper.... baked potato soup *yum* - gluten-free/dairy-free!  Oh and I need to finish getting the peppers from the garden chopped and in the dehydrator!  Next thing I know it'll be time for baths, prayers, and bed for the kids.  I'm supposed to have book club tonight but that'll simply depend on how I feel - I might not be able to handle staying awake for it!

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