Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Oil Pulling

So I've been giving this thing called oil pulling a try for close to three weeks now ... trying to get in the habit of doing it daily but hasn't quite worked out as well as all that YET!

Oil pulling is basically swishing around oil in your mouth first thing in the morning - before brushing your teeth or drinking anything.  Apparently, the oil - specifically sunflower or sesame - captures toxins within your mouth, going so far as to draw them from your gums and teeth.  When you finish swishing - for 15 - 20 minutes - the oil is whitish which means it is full of toxins.  One does not want to swallow this in any way, shape, or form.  Immediately after spitting out the oil one needs to brush their teeth, then go about their normal morning.

With oil pulling dental health is supposed to improve: teeth become whiter, breath fresher, eliminates bleeding gums, metabolism intensified, and a variety of maladies have been helped due to the detoxifying properties of oil pulling.  I was born with bad teeth that have only gotten worse even with great and careful oral hygiene care.  I'm hoping for help in this area just to help my teeth last longer.  And what's giving it a try going to hurt - my horrible gag reflex?

Here is a link for you to read more about oil pulling since I did just the barest of overview.

Anyway, the first two weeks I used coconut oil.  It's not one of the recommended oils but it's what I had as I didn't think I could handle the strong olive oil flavor.  I could not get even half a teaspoon to stay in my mouth without gagging beyond control.  I had read that the time that it takes to melt can be a bit much for some folks.  So I decided to melt a little in a spoon with warm water.  This helped greatly for me to get started.  Not ideal but if I could work up to the amount of oil AND get in the habit then whatever.

Finally I was able to buy some sesame oil.  I tried a spoonful and almost promptly spit it right back out as my gag reflex revolted immediately.  So the next morning I mixed the oil with warm water and that worked better.  At first I was barely making it 30 seconds.  This morning I made it to 5 min 38 seconds!!  I just have to be careful on the oil to water ratio ... the oil is ever increasing but by miniscule amounts.  Whatever gets me there!

So far there have been slight improvements but I don't know if it's that I'm paying closer attention or what.  So I'll wait before posting about those!

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