Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Pancakes

I got up this morning and made special pancakes for my babies since tonight will be wild with stuff and last night I had class.  Of course, any time I decide to make pancakes for them it is special BUT these were extra special AND the leftovers are now in the freezer so that they can have pancakes for several mornings!

Now I'm no great pancake maker.  Never have been, never will be.  So please excuse the crudeness of my pancakes.  I also couldn't find my regular heart cookie cutter so I used my double heart and xo cutters instead.  As someone pointed out to me - each time I do something from pinterest, I make it my own by changing it up.  This is probably how it is meant to be because even when I have the right "equipment" I wind up not being able to find it when I go to make whatever it is - but then it turns up later when I need it for something else.  Personally, I believe these are little personal lessons to me.

Here are some little bits of love for my babies (yes, even when they are grown, they are my babies!)....
And at the end I played around with the last little bit of batter ....

So this turned into two things at once - a special breakfast for my children and some stock for my freezer grab-n-heat "meals" for the kiddos.  Two for one is usually pretty great!

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